I am Yongqing Liang, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Texas A&M University (TAMU), where I am advised by Prof. Xin Li and co-advised by Prof. Wenping Wang. I am also a member of Aggie Graphics Group. I earned my master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Louisiana State University (LSU), under the guidance of Prof. Xin Li. I completed my undegraduate study in Computer Science and Technology at Fudan University, advised by Prof. Jin Cheng. I have gained valuable industry experience as a Research Intern at NVIDIA (Applied Deep Learning Research, Summer 2022) and as a Machine Learning Software Engineering Intern at Google (Advanced Video Preprocessing Team, YouTube, Summer 2021).
My research focuses on Visual Data Understanding and Intelligence, intersecting the fields of computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning.
I am actively seeking a full-time position in Postdoc, TTAP or Research Scientist starting in Fall 2025. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any opportunities. Github LinkedIn Google Scholar
Research Projects
Real-time Flood Reconstruction and Video Object Segmentation
V-FloodNet: A Video Segmentation System for Urban Flood Detection and Quantification
Yongqing Liang, Xin Li, Brian Tsai, Qin Chen and Navid Jafari
Environmental Modelling & Software, Elsevier, 2023
Highlight: Effectively estimating water level and constructing flood hydrographs in real-time during flash floods, hurricanes, day/night transitions, snow/sun variations, and other extreme weather events.
Paper Code ProjectVideo Object Segmentation with Adaptive Feature Bank and Uncertain-Region Refinement
Yongqing Liang, Xin Li, Navid Jafari and Qin Chen
Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS), 2020
Highlight: The first paper segments appearance-volatile objects over long video sequences.
Paper Code Project Long Video DatasetVisual Feature Analysis: Non-overlapped Matching, Graph Matching, and Fragmented Object Reassembly
CLAP: Concave Linear APproximation for Quadratic Graph Matching
Yongqing Liang, Huijun Han and Xin Li
The 19th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2024, Oral Paper)
Springer Best Paper Award, $500 sponsored by Springer
Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 15046), Springer Nature, 2024
Paper Long Paper Slides CodeA Survey on Computational Solutions for Reconstructing Complete Objects by Reassembling Their Fractured Parts
Jiaxin Lu†, Yongqing Liang†, Huijun Han†, Jiacheng Hua†, Junfeng Jiang, Xin Li and Qixing Huang
The 46th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics (EG) 2025, STARs.
(†: Equal contributions)
ArXivDigital Human Modeling: Physically-based Face Reconstruction and Clothed Avatar Generation
A Discriminative Multi-Channel Facial Shape Representation and Feature Extraction for 3D Human Faces
Xun Gong, Xin Li, Tianrui Li and Yongqing Liang
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2020
PaperNeural Representation and Reconstruction: Continuity, Compactness and Sharp Feature Preservation
Spline Structure + Neural Network
Anshul Mendiratta†, Yongqing Liang†, Lei Yang†, Xin Li, Scott Schaefer, John Keyser and Wenping Wang
(†: Equal contributions)
Neural Parametric Surfaces for Shape Modeling
Lei Yang†, Yongqing Liang†, Xin Li, Congyi Zhang, Guying Lin, Alla Sheffer, Scott Schaefer, John Keyser and Wenping Wang
conditionally accepted by ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG, under review)
(†: Equal contributions)
ArXivAURORA: Automated Unleash of 3D Room Outlines for VR Applications
Huijun Han, Yongqing Liang, Yuanlong Zhou, Wenping Wang, Edgar J. Rojas-Muñoz and Xin Li
The 19th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality (VRCAI), 2024
Paper ArXiv ProjectProjects
Physically-based Simulation
Bouncing ball, particles, springer system, rigid body, and fluid simulations.
HTML, CSS, and Javascript based on ThreeJS.
Course Project in Texas A&M University, Professor Keyser John.
Online Demo CodePapers2D: A 2D-Layout Paper Search Engine
Grid layout for academic papers. Row: published year. Col: semantic grouping.
Quicklink to the paper's PDF, code, and Google Scholar.
Include open-access CV conferences: CVPR, ICCV and WACV for now.
Python (data crawling and analysis), NextJS (front-end), ElasticSearch (database)
Online Demo CodeTalks
- 2023/07, Visual Data Representation and Modeling at Tsinghua University (Host: Prof. Kun Xu) and Fudan University (Host: Wei Zhang).
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), and Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT).
- Reviewer for Elsevier on Journal Data in Brief, Environmental Modelling and Software, and Measurement.
- Reviewer for Springer on Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (JOCO), Multimedia Systems.
- Reviewer for Taylor and Francis Online on Journal Big Earth Data.
- Reviewer for Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science on Indonesian Journal on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS).
- Reviewer for IEEE/CVFInternational Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2025), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2025), European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024, 2025).
- Reviewer for 4th IEEE VR Workshop on 3D Reconstruction, Digital Twinning, and Simulation for Virtual Experiences (ReGigiTS 2025).
- Reviewer for Pacific Graphics IPC (PG 2023).
- Reviewer for Computer Graphics International (CGI 2023).
- Reviewer for International Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM-19).
Teaching Assistant
- CSCE 313 Introduction to Computer Systems, TAMU, 2024 Spring.
- CSCE 447 / VIST 476 Data Visualization, TAMU, 2023 Fall.
- CSCE 641 / VIST 672 Computer Graphics, TAMU, 2023 Spring.
- VIST 375 Foundations of Visualization, TAMU, 2022 Fall.